Good day.
Today I’m sending out the letters I spoke of in last week’s newsletter to 20 people. I’m hoping those 20 people will send them out to 20 other people who then…send them out to 20 and so on.
Addresses aren’t really things people have a lot of anymore. Address books are not so much a thing as they used to be. As I have been asking people for their addresses, (9/10 times they ask “why?”), the more I have come to see that letter writing is a dead art form. Hopefully this will change with this and other projects I’ve heard of going around the country, but you never know.
I’ve also come to see that my life is pushing me forward. I told my boss at the pot shop that I’m not teaching next session. I have nothing lined up yet, and somehow, I know that I’ll be fine. I’m hoping I have this feeling because the Arts Center I have been working on will be on its way to up and running. The truth is that I’m operating purely on instinct at this point so the logic behind a lot of my decisions is, well, not logical. But, I trust. It’s exciting and scary and wonderful. It looks like I have all the tools we will need for a printmaking studio in the center. Next I’ll be working on a wood shop, then, a metal shop. It really depends on who comes forward. I’m also pretty close on a space, a huge space in a great neighborhood. If you want to subscribe to the Bellingham Center for the Arts Newsletter, you can do so here.
Similarly, things with my partner are transforming. My boundaries are so solid and so effortless that I’m kind of awed by it. Right now he is struggling with his stuff, and I’m doing nothing to save him or make him feel okay. That is to say, I’m being patient while he works through his stuff and not being codependent about it. It’s kind of surprising because this is really the first time in my entire life I haven’t put up with bad behavior, or left because of it. Instead, I’m staying and asking for better. It’s in no way easy, but it’s so much easier than enduring shittiness for months on end and hoping that one day he will get better. Believe it or not, that’s never actually worked for me.
As a way of comforting you, I thought I’d remind you that we aren’t in a pandemic. The answer to our current national travesty is not to hunker down, but rather, reach out. The best way to get through this is to build community, reach out to your people, and even better, let those targeted by the coming administration know that you are a safe space for them. Walking down the street while BIPOC/queer/female presenting is about to get even more dangerous, if it hasn’t already, and letting those people know they can ask for help/support/comfort from you will go a long way toward helping whatever community you live in to feel more safe. Time to get to know your neighbors again. At the very least, maybe start a phone tree. Phone bush for starters? Or something.
As always, thank you so much for reading, and don’t let the bastards get you down.