I have been quite sick all week with a head and chest cold. I have been miserable all week but I am now on the mend. As nothing much of note has happened, I will leave you with this-
Do not wait to live the life of your dreams. As someone who hasn’t let much stand in the way of what she wanted to do, ( except her own self), I can say without reservation that life is worth living.
Not that I was on the brink of death or anything, but I did watch my fair amount of trash TV, and I can tell you that this is no way to live a life. Also, if you haven’t seen IF I believe it will cheer you, and couldn’t we all use a bit of cheer right about now?
Have a good week. Rest. Take care. Wash your hands. Wear a mask. There is some awful stuff going around these parts.
See ya next week.
Do everything you can to resist. Don’t participate in the system that has created the coming Oligarchy.